For My Future

For My Future I tiptoed into the bathroom. If anyone caught me doing this, I’d be in big trouble. I grabbed my mother’s lipstick and brought it back to my bedroom. It is Morning now and I am using my mother’s lipstick to go to my new school at College. I am still getting ready for school and about 15 minutes, my two best friends ring the doorbell and knock on my house door. We will be taking a bus to school and when we reached there, we register our course and get a new timetable for the classes but the classes will begin in 2 weeks. After we done with the school and courses, we three girls planned to went shopping for buying clothes, makeup and others because I always use my mother’s lipstick so I thought I am going to buy all new ones. We three girls went in the shopping mall to the shop and many shop. We went to this shop name Jeans shop and we saw and approach Aunt June. We three girls already buy all the things we wanted and before we go home, we three girls went to co...