School ballet dance
School Dancer
Elana has been waiting for this audition to show that she has what it take to be a dancer. Elana is having class at her school that is Mid Wood High School. She joined the school since she was 16 years old. Now she is 18 years old, she want to join an audition of dancing in her school. It was her first day of school after she had a break and she met with her best friend and friends in the school. They are on the same class so they went to the math class together. Her best friend name is Lucy and after the math class, both Elana and Lucy went to the Science and English class.
On the second day of school, Elana and Lucy went on dancing ballet audition and they register their name. Most of the people in the audition were alreadybeen called their names and Lucy too. Elana had been waiting for her turn to be called but the audition teacher have not called her yet. After 20 minutes, Elana has been called for Audition. Elana did a ballet dance just a few movements and the audition teacher clapped for her after she has done her ballet.
Lucy wait for Elana and after that they went home together by bus. Tomorrow next morning, Elana and Lucy met in school and before the classes starts they went to one place that has a table and chairs to talk. They talk about the audition yesterday and they both scared that they wont make it in. After they talk , the classes already start and they both Elana and Lucy went to English and math class together.
After the classes end, the result for the audition will be listed at the board at beside the canteen. Everyone that came for the audition yesterday was in a hurry to know the result and Elana and Lucy went to see their result. Elana and Lucy got in for the ballet dancing. In the afternoon, They both Elana and Lucy celebrate that they got it to the ballet dancing at Elana house.
The next day, there is no classes but it have ballet dancing class and Elana and Lucy were told by their ballet teacher that is Miss Luti that they will join the ballet dancing class and there will be a competition. Everyday it have the ballet dancing class and they keep on practicing until the competition day.
Before the competition starts they do a warm up and practice a few more movements behind the stage. Some are already called to do a ballet competition. It is Elana turn to do the ballet dance competition and after they do some of her movements she fell down and she look at everyone else while crying. Elana went to the behind stage and keep on crying and Lucy persuade her for not to cry but Elana thinks she is no good at ballet dancing. Lucy told her you are good enough to perform the competition on stage. Miss Luti tells Elana that she will give her a chance to perform again.
On the next day, Elana get to perform her last ballet competition and this time she gets it right and she is so happy and she look at everyone with her smiling faces. After the competition, everyone at the stage sitting quietly and Miss Luti announced the 3 winners that win the ballet competition. The 3 winners is Hannah, Elana and Lucy.
They were so happy to win the competition and they get the trophy and medal. Miss Luti and the others at the class celebrate with going to the cafĂ© near their school to eat whatever they want it. The end…

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