

  Myself Hello. My Name is Nor Fariza and I am from Singapore, my age is 26 but going to be my birthday in September, So I my age will be 27. I am a Muslim girl that wear hijab. I also pray. Since 2017, I have a mental illness diagnosed with Schizophrenia and Anxiety and it is mild, and I stay in hospital for 3 months. I been eating medicines every night. After I discharged from hospital, my twin sister recommends me a rehab place that is a centre name Club Heal. I join the Club Heal activities there for few years. I join the Club Heal back to work sessions and I work as pushcart with Club Heal at Institute of Mental Health. My education is completed primary school and secondary school. I graduated from ITE college east, Nitec Landscaping. I work before as retail assistant at Watson’s for 1 months and a half. I will try my best work find jobs that is retail jobs the most and work there for long time. My hobbies are Listen to music, drawing and write stories. I listen to pop and

Barbie Colouring 1


My Heart Poster


Colouring 2


Ballerina Drawing


Zentangle Drawing


Colouring 1


School Girl


Moving Away

  Moving Away There is three best friends name Hannah, Darby and Kelly. The three of them went to the same school . They live with their own parents and siblings. They have already sign up for their tomorrow School Trip. In the next morning, Kelly parents says to Kelly that their family will be moving away to the other country in Paris . Kelly is sad and Kelly went straight to the school bus and saw her other two best friends Hannah and Darby is sitting together in the school bus. Hannah and Darby ask Kelly why is she late for this school trip and Kelly says she just woke up late but Hannah and Darby trust her and they do not know that Kelly lie to them. Kelly sit behind Hannah and Darby in fourth row. Kelly classmate name Anna, she sit with Kelly and their teacher Mr. Johnny says to the class that Beside you that will be your partner of the day. In few hours later, The school bus have reached the Animal Park. Each of them with a partner need to do together the Character they wil

Ice Cream Drawing


Dress Drawing


Best Friends, Friends and New Student

                                                        Best Friends, Friends and New student There is four girls and they are a best friends. They live with their parents and their names are Isabel, Laura, Zoe and Ruby. Today they will be going to their school that is Magnet High School. In their school , they met their form teacher name Ms Lia and they four girls is in the same class. Their form teacher says to everyone “Class please sit down in your chair and there will be a new student in this class name Mia”. Mia came inside the class and wave to them and say “ Hi everyone”. Mia sit beside Zoe and Zoe try to talk to Mia and they both tak to each other and became friends at last. Zoe says to Mia that she will introduce her to her other three best friends. The bell rang and the students all stand up for a class break. Zoe and Mia meet the other three girls and they talk but the three girls never really talk to Mia and Mia feel left out, it is like they do not want to be Mia frie

Roller Skate drawing


Talents And Jobs

  Talents And Jobs I had to go onstage in 15 minutes and my clothes were ripped and muddy. I have been waiting for my name to be called in 15 minutes. When I am on stage, all people look at me and I began to feel scared. I do not have a spare clothes in my bag but then I had no choice to perform in this clothes. It is a talent show I go and I began to sing but after a few minutes I sing, I had no voice. All people look at me and I began to stop and stare at them. The judges tell me I should go . When I walk away, someone a girl went beside me and say that she would lend me a spare of clothes. After she give me the clothes, I went to the toilet to get change. I feel now super clean and comfortable, I feel so happy that I get the clothes and met someone like her that is very nice to me. The next day, I had an interview for my jobs that is writing a stories and finally I had the interview now. After the interview, I went to the talent show again because I failed the talent show and

For My Future

  For My Future I tiptoed into the bathroom. If anyone caught me doing this, I’d be in big trouble. I grabbed my mother’s lipstick and brought it back to my bedroom. It is Morning now and I am using my mother’s lipstick to go to my new school at College. I am still getting ready for school and about 15 minutes, my two best friends ring the doorbell and knock on my house door. We will be taking a bus to school and when we reached there, we register our course and get a new timetable for the classes but the classes will begin in 2 weeks. After we done with the school and courses, we three girls planned to went shopping for buying clothes, makeup and others because I always use my mother’s lipstick so I thought I am going to buy all new ones. We three girls went in the shopping mall to the shop and many shop. We went to this shop name Jeans shop and we saw and approach Aunt June. We three girls already buy all the things we wanted and before we go home, we three girls went to coffee



Lizzy The Adopted

Lizzy The Adopted I opened my eyes and had no idea where I was, I was in the bed and do not know where I am. I stand up and look at the mirror and I saw my face that is a mess and dirty. I was shocked and I went to the living room but no one was there. A few minutes later, I hear footsteps and someone is coming. I hide under the table and I saw a foot and a female and male voice. Then I came out under the table and I met them face to face. They speak to me first and I spoke to them back. They say “ Lizzy where are you going? Come sit with us and talk.” I went sit down with them and we talk, they say I am adopted by them and they are my parents now, We are at Canada country. I am a bit confused about this but my heart keeps on like trusted them 100 %. I trust them and now they say they going to take care of me, but now they say I need to get a bath cause I look smelly and dirty , quite a mess right now. They found me in the fainted at the dirty places. After I done bathe, my paren

Best Friend

                                             Best Friend Emily missed her best friend dearly, she knew they could not see each other. Her best friend for now is at far places where no one can meet her. Emily sent her best friend email everyday in the morning. Emily miss her best friend a lot until today, they finally will meet each other at Emily house. Today is 9 September and today is the day to meet up with her best friend. When they meet up, Emily best friend has change her looks to become like me that wear scarf and pretty too. They talk together and hang out together at Emily house. By the time Emily mother came back home and she surprised to see Emily best friend is at Emily house. Emily best friend name Molly and she meet up with Emily mother. Molly came back to Emily place just because to surprised Emily for her birthday on 10 September. They both hang out and go to shopping mall, they are having fun together with each other. It is now night time, Emily and Molly sleep t

The Birthday Party And The New Girl

The Birthday Party and The New Girl I Wake up on the 10 September and it is a beautiful day. I do not quite remember what is today is and I started to bathe and eat breakfast. I went to school and all my teachers and friends are in the school. I thought it is just a normal day and all my friends did not approach me in the school but I went to the class as per normal. I went to math and English class and I was in the high school. After I finished with the classes, still all my friends never approach me today. I feel sad and it is like people think I am being weird and such a loser that no one wants to be my friends. When I came home, All my family members and friends surprises me with a “Happy Birthday” and I feel that I am wrong to think that they never approach me until I know it is my birthday today. I feel so happy and excited for my birthday and today night there will my birthday party. I invite everyone to my birthday party and gave them an invitation birthday card. In the a


Depression and Schizophrenia For Months I have been crying myself to sleep every night. I have been feeling upset and I kept myself and cry a lot until the next day have come. I just went to the Mental Hospital to check what is wrong with me. I speak to the doctor and we talk. I Say to the doctor that I have been crying for a Months and do not want to bathe. The doctor says I have a depression and Schizophrenia. The doctor tells me to stay in the hospital for a few days and see how first. On the next day, I was having a breakfast and I eat chocolate cake in a packet. There is one girl is going to sit beside me and at first she was nice to me saying “Hello, how are you?”. After that she is mean to me that she spills a Tea at my head. One of the nurse saw it and she scold that girl and her name is Lily. Lily will be sent to the mental hospital office to explain why she did that to me. The next day, I was having a visitor and that is my dad who visits me everyday. By the time he is

Vacation To Australia

Vacation to Australia I have been planning the perfect vacation for months, but then my sibling small brother disturb me when I was planning to write the vacation for this September 2020. My Parents did not allow me to go for the vacation because my parents scared that I am lost .My parents says that they will go with me vacation but need to bring my small brother along. I have plan for now to go to the Australia and really plan to join the school at Australia. I am planning to go to the Australia with my family on Thursday, 10 September. Before we go to Australia, we have to pack the things and I still have to go to school until break with the holiday starts on 1 September. After 1 month , I woke up from the bed and scream and shout that today the holiday have started. I am very happy and cannot wait for 10 September that we are going on a vacation to Australia. It would be so much fun there. Today on 1 September me and my family are going for a walk at the beach and the park. I

Half Human Half Mermaid

Half Human Half Mermaid At the beach, I found a special seashell and I was with my 2 best friends that is Lisa and Lana. I did take the seashell secretly home where no one sees me taking the seashell back at home. I live with my father and he takes cares of me when I was from a baby. Me and my best friends have plan to go to the beach to swim again. When I was at home at night, I take a look at that special seashell that I bring home from the beach. I try to say something like “Hello” and “ I want some candy” but it did not came out anything out of the special seashell. The next day, me and my 2 best friends went to the beach and this time my best friends went to take buy our drinks first. I was alone by myself and I did bring the special seashell. I take out the special seashell from my pocket and I did not realize it have a string. I did realize now and it supposed to be a special seashell necklace. When I take out the special seashell necklace and I wear it on my neck. I go fo

The Princess and The Magical Ring

The Princess and The Magical Ring “Put me down!” I yelled as I was hoisted into the air by a giant Baby. The Giant Baby flew me up in the air and he never stop flying me around until he sees a food. The Giant Baby pick it up and eat the food until he is full and he went back at his place where he live at beside the big castle. The next day, The Giant Baby is outside the castle and he stomp his feet because there are no foods for the Giant Baby. He stomp his feet until all the king, queen and the princess and the others went to the window to see what has happened. The Princess was nice to give the Giant Baby a foods to eat and drink. The Giant Baby is very happy that he got the foods and drinks from the castle that the princess give him.The next day, the queen and king have an announcement to all the people who came to their castle and it is about to find the magical ring. The next day, The king, queen and the princess have to do a quest to find the magical ring. They first went t

The two girls Secret Princess (Comic Version)


The two girls Secret Princess

The two girls Secret Princess He opened the safe and it had gone. No one had the code, who could have opened it? There is Aunt June outside the building, could it be her? I went outside the building and climb onto the horse and went to my house. The next day, there are two girls who came to my house and wanted to help me but they have only three wishes to use for the help. I accept their help. The next day, me and the two girls going to the internet cafĂ© to use the computer to find out who had opened the safe. The two girls help me with one wish to opened the computer that who is the suspect stealing the safe. After the two girls have help me with that, We went to the suspect house and we need him to tell the truth and his wife fight with us until something bad happened to her. She fainted while carrying her baby and The nasty princess poison wanted to kill the baby with her bad spells, but then  The two girls use another wish to  spell the nasty princess poison back and she cannot kil

Our Earth


June the Little Girl

June The Little Girl 'It was spring 2014 when I first realised I could breathe under water’ and I swim left, right, front and back, I saw a many fishes, plants under water and others. When I am back up above the water I saw a boat and there are only one kid inside who is shouting for help. That little girl is lost and I quickly went there. Then I jump on the boat and I ask the little girl “where is your mum and dad?” She say her mum and dad has passed away and she do not know where to go from the park until she saw a boat but she do not know how to drive the boat. I feel pity for the little girl and I say to her “Why not I adopt you and you can live with me?”. The little girl says “ Sure can”. I introduce myself to her and I say my name is Alisa and I say to her “What is your name?” That little girl says her name is June. I says to June come follow me go to my house and you can see my house that is big. We both went to my house and June says my house is pretty good and after that w

Dreams of becoming an artist/blogger....

In my bag, I had a map, lip gloss and $74 and prepared to go to Paris. I was at the airport going inside the plane. When the plane reached to Paris, I take out the map from my bag and look at the map for directions to go to the University. I look around and ask someone where is the University of Paris. I met someone a girl name Isabel and she showed me the directions of the University of Paris. Isabel is schooling in the same school at University of Paris. When I went inside the University of Paris, Isabel show me how to register to the University. I register the different course as Isabel. I register the Art Course and Isabel is in the Business Course. The next day, me and Isabel met in the University. Our class have not started yet and we talk about things on University and outside.After 30 minutes, the bell rang and we both went to different class of course. I went to the painting class and there is Mr. Richard the teacher who teach the painting class. Our class learn how to paint a